Halloween is a tough time of year to enforce healthy eating and dental habits when you have young children. We’re here to help with healthy Halloween options that will keep your kids, and your dentist, happy! What’s Wrong with Halloween Candy? Eating sweet candy in moderation shouldn’t be a problem for your child, but during… Read more »
Gum recession is a more common dental problem than many people think. Because it often happens gradually it might be some time before you notice your receding gums in the mirror. Receding gums occur when gum tissue disconnects from the bone of the teeth and creates pockets where bacteria collect. If given the chance to… Read more »
Tooth decay is a very common problem among people of all ages. It is a symptom of what we eat and drink and there are steps we can all take to help prevent it. What is Tooth Decay? Tooth decay is the destruction of the structure of your teeth, both at the enamel and dentin… Read more »
You’ve heard time and again that sugar is bad for your teeth. Plaque collected on our teeth creates acid that causes tooth decay when it meets sugars in our mouths. If some foods are so destructive, are there others that are not only safe but even promote optimal oral health? This month we’re talking about… Read more »
Between doctor’s appointments and hospital tours, not to mention all the changes happening in your own body, you might not have given much thought to how pregnancy will affect your dental health. Expecting mothers do experience some dental-related side effects. Increased hormone production during pregnancy affects your body’s reaction to plaque, creating an elevated risk… Read more »