Have you noticed some blood in your mouth after you have brushed your teeth? Most Americans experience gum bleeding at some point in their life, and t.here are several reasons why bleeding gums happen. It might be because of something simple, like using the wrong technique when you brush or floss. Or it could be a sign of a health condition you need to check out.
1. Bushing or Flossing Too Hard
Most people believe that the more forceful they are during their oral routine, the cleaner their teeth will be, but this is not the case. Flossing and brushing are critical for oral health, but being too hard can cause damage to your enamel. The easiest fix for this is to think of brushing your teeth as more of a massage. If your gums bleed frequently – or every time you brush or floss – visit your dentist.
2. Using the Wrong Toothbrush
Sometimes using a new type of toothbrush can cause gum bleeding. Similar to being too aggressive, if you begin using a toothbrush with hard bristles and notice your gums bleeding, it might be your toothbrush. Bleeding is your gums’ way of telling you to be more gentle with your brushing. Most dentists recommend a soft-bristled toothbrush, specifically because it is easier on gums. After switching back to soft bristles, bleeding along the gumline should stop within a few brushing sessions.
3. Gingivitis
Gingivitis is the first sign of gum disease. Gingivitis happens when plaque along your gum line isn’t properly removed. This sticky plaque breeds all sorts of nasty bacteria that infect the gums, causing bleeding and sensitivity. Other symptoms include symptoms such as swollen, tender, and sometimes bleeding gum during brushing. The leading cause of gingivitis is improper oral hygiene, and if not addressed, gingivitis can progress to periodontal disease. On the bright side, you can prevent gingivitis by seeking treatment as soon as the early signs appear.
4. Medications
Another possible cause of bleeding gums is blood-thinning medications. If you’ve started a new medication and have since noticed your gums bleeding when you brush your teeth, it may be due to the medication. Blood-thinning medications decrease the blood’s ability to clot, leading to easier bleeding, including at the gum line. Talk to your dentist about the new medication you’re taking to see if it could be causing your bleeding gums.
5. Poor Diet
Processed food has certain ingredients that can irritate your gums and cause minor gum bleeding. To promote optimal gum health, opt for foods that don’t irritate your gums and support dental health. Fruits and veggies, along with calcium, vitamins C and D, and magnesium, are critical components of oral health.
6. Smoking
Smoking increases your risk for sensitivity, diseased and bleeding gums, and gum disease. Once gum bleeding starts, dangerous bacteria trapped between the teeth and the gum line can get into the bloodstream, causing further complications.
Treat Gum Bleeding with Park Avenue Dental
If your gums bleed persistently or if you experience ongoing pain associated with bleeding gums, don’t wait for your next dental checkup. Our caring and knowledgeable dentists at Park Avenue Dental can screen you for gum disease signs and other oral health issues during your check-up. Contact us today to stay ahead of any problems and instead enjoy a healthy, beautiful smile.