Everyday Dental Care for Adults

pastel colored toothbrushes in a row

Being an adult is busy, but you don’t want it to make you neglect your teeth. Because when you take care of your teeth, they take care of you — for a lifetime. Read on for our tips on how to take care of your teeth and mouth as an adult.


Maintaining a regular tooth brushing regimen helps your teeth look their best and protect them from stains, and helps prevent cavities or gingivitis. Follow these helpful hints on optimal brushing techniques.

  • Brush for 2 minutes at least twice a day and especially after meals.
  • Consider using an electric toothbrush for a more effective cleaning than a manual brush provides.
  • Don’t brush too hard. Instead, hold the toothbrush slightly angled and use circular motions to move back and forth across your teeth where they meet your gums. Use the brush to scrape your tongue to help stave off bad breath.
  • Replace your toothbrush regularly, either every 3 months or when the bristles begin to spread out.


A toothbrush can only do so much to remove food particles left behind when you eat. To effectively remove all of them, you should floss at least once a day and ideally after every meal. But be sure to be gentle and only focus on one tooth at a time. If you don’t like breaking the floss off and holding it between your 2 hands, you can buy the dental-pick style floss that makes it even easier.

Eat Healthily

You may not realize the significant impact your diet has on your teeth, but when you eat unhealthy foods, you’re at greater risk of developing cavities or plaque,teeth-brushing, as well as discoloration and staining.

For the healthiest teeth possible, avoid the following foods.

  • High sugar
  • Non-stick foods like honey and potato chips
  • Acidic
  • Teeth-staining drinks

Instead, eat a balanced diet, including vegetables, fruit, and lean protein. Even better, add some anti-inflammatory foods and healthy fats that help combat discomfort. Add at least 1000-1300 milligrams of calcium to your daily routine and drink lots of water.

See Your Park Avenue Dentist

The best way to prevent gum disease or other dental issues, you should be seen by your Park Avenue dental team for regular cleaning and exams at least 2 times per year.

But if you have the following symptoms, see your dentist immediately.

  • Uncomfortable red gums that are tender, swollen, or bleeding
  • Gums that pull away from the tooth
  • Loose teeth
  • Extra sensitivity to hot or cold temperatures
  • Bad breath that won’t go away
  • Painful chewing

At Park Avenue Dental, we know how critical taking care of your teeth is, and that prevention can help you avoid painful, costly dental issues down the road. Contact us today to set up your appointment.