Chewing, smiling, laughing, and talking—we carry out these facial movements daily. However, if you are experiencing pain when doing any of this, you might have temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMJ). The common symptoms are headaches, earaches, facial pain, and jaw tenderness.
In this condition, it’s important to avoid certain harmful habits and behaviors that can strain your jaw or neck muscles. Let’s take a look at how you can relieve pain, manage TMJ pain, and avoid aggravating anything. For TMJ treatment in Gainesville, visit Park Avenue Dental today.
Maintain Jaw’s Resting Position
You need to minimize your jaw’s wide movements, especially when chewing, yawning, yelling, or singing. Make sure you maintain its resting position and keep your muscles relaxed. This will help alleviate the pain.
Correct the Posture
When you’ve been sitting in a certain unideal position for a long time, it can cause more pain. If you’re working on a desk, ensure your chair has back support. Correct your posture by taking frequent breaks. If you’re driving, make sure your seat is upright. When reading or watching TV, find a place to sit upright. Always have a pillow for back support.

Get Sleep At Night
A good night’s sleep is important for you. It keeps you in good physical and mental health because your body is getting the rest it needs. To minimize your TMJ pain, make sure you’re sleeping on your back.
You can use pillows to support your hands, legs, and neck. Avoid sleeping on your chest and stomach. Don’t put your hand near or on your jaw if you’re sleeping on one side.
Use Cold or Hot Compress
Using ice packs or hot compress can help reduce pain and swelling while allowing blood to flow near your jaw muscles and relax them. Apply a cold or hot compress to help alleviate pain. You can do this for about 15-20 minutes. Make sure there’s some layer between your skin and the compress.
Reduce Stress
There are different things to can try to reduce stress. Mediation techniques are great for relaxing your jaw and helping loosen your muscles. Yoga practices also help with muscle relaxation. You can also try calming activities like gardening. This can relax your body and face and calm your mind.
Jaw Exercising
Certain jaw exercises have proven to be effective in increasing your joints’ mobility. Stretch, strengthening, and relaxation exercises can help relieve pain if you try them in conjunction.
Avoid Bad Habits
The following bad habits can aggravate TMJ pain. Make sure you’re avoiding them.
- Clenching jaw or teeth
- Nail biting
- Chewing lips and cheeks
- Resting the jaw in hand
- Teeth grinding
TMJ Treatment in Gainesville
You can consult the best dentist in Gainesville who can guide you better about managing pain with TMJ treatment. Visit our dental clinic, where we offer a variety of dental services and treatments in Gainesville.
Reach out to us for more information.